Rubber cut length Tolerances ISO 3302-1

Like all production parts cut lengths of rubber extrusions, cord and tube are subject to industry accepted tolerances levels to cater for the variation in the profile and operation.

Rubber cut length Tolerances are covered by standard ISO 3302-1 (replaces BS3734) which is what we work to. Within these Rubber cut length Tolerances there are 3 levels, from L1 (which are the tightest) to L3 being the widest. The full table is shown below.

Wherever possible we will aim to exceed level L2 Rubber cut length Tolerances, but with the high elongation properties of some compounds this may not be possible, and equally for critical applications we can work with the customer to hole L1 Tolerances.

Adpol has a very good reputation for cutting rubber profiles, cord and parts and operates a number of specialist machines specifically for this purpose, in addition to having a dedicated, long serving experienced team of gasket fabricators to hand cut and join custom gaskets. Please be sure to advise us wel in advance if specific tolerances are required so that we can agree to these and have them in our working instructions.

For information on tolerances for extruded profiles please visit Silicone Rubber Extrusion Tolerances


ISO 3302-1 Rubber Cut Lengths Tolerance Table

Nominal Dimension mm Class L1 ± Class L2 ± Class L3 ±
Above Up To and including
0 40 0.70 1.00 1.60
40 63 0.80 1.30 2.00
63 100 1.00 1.60 2.50
100 160 1.30 2.00 3.20
160 250 1.60 2.50 4.00
250 400 2.00 3.20 5.00
400 630 2.50 4.00 6.30
630 1000 3.20 5.00 10.00
1000 1600 4.00 6.30 12.50
1600 2500 5.00 10.00 16.00
2500 4000 6.3 12.5 20.0
4000  + 0.16% 0.32% 0.50%